What we do
Ready Communities is a national place-based program designed to build strengths in regional Australian communities (this includes rural and remote communities).
We do through our service offerings which are all designed to build capability in our host communities and are delivered via research and mapping, community engagement, our community activator programs, our national conference (Social Impact in the Regions) and through partnerships.
Our theory of change
Why we exist
regional equality
We support communities to focus attention towards shared goals, increasing connectivity within and across regional communities, and building capability and capacity in local leaders, institutions and supply chains.
systemic approach
We provide clarity from shared information, connectivity across community functional areas, collaborative collective response, and a shared voice in the region on addressing complex challenges.
place-based change
We provide place-based initiatives with ‘scaffolding’ support through shared information, connected initiatives, increased institutional capability and capacity, collaborative structures and clusters, and shared promotion of community transformation
Our Approach
Ready Communities can be delivered in numerous ways, our primary objective is to activate place-based change in regional communities. Contact us to discuss a bespoke model to suit the needs of your community or organisation. Or check out our courses to get started today.
We support communities to identify gaps in and duplication of efforts and gain clarity in what they want to achieve by:
- Mapping related programs, funding, policy and local resources
- Providing an evidence base
- Providing multiple pathways to contribute to community conversations
- Doing what it takes to truly understand place and keeping our cookie cutters in our pockets
- And yes, sitting with you in your town
We know regional folks are doers and we want to walk alongside you as you DO ! Everything we deliver spans bellybutton gazing and embraces action.
- Activate your community strategic plan or other relevant local action strategy
- Engage active leaders in your community
- Engage local impact investors and angel investors
- Identify and build capability in local doers
- Link local social impact projects and enterprises with support
- Connect what is working with support and investment
Want your community to be more involved in activating change? Ask us how our community activator workshops and programs can embed sustainable change.
Mapping & Evaluation
Policies, programs, funding, stakeholders, organisations enabling a clear line of sight in community planning.
Community Engagament
Public meetings, cafe meetings, one-to-one conversations, social media.
Capacity Development
ACTIVATE program (Starts 1 March 2025). Link partners, mentors and other support, bring together complimentary stakeholders.
Community Activation
National conference. Social Impact in the Regions. Pitchfest, community celebrations.
Advocacy & Promotion
Local, national led advocacy and broader national advocacy.
Community Empowerment
Activities to build opportunity in the Entrepreneurial culture: Pop up shops, shop local program, evidence based. Inclusiveness: Activities, linkages.
Mapping & Evaluation
Policies, programs, funding, stakeholders, organisations.
Mapping Platform.
Community Engagament
Public meetings, cafe meetings, one-to-one conversations, social media.
Capacity Development
ACTIVATE program. Link partners, mentors and other support, bring together complimentary stakeholders.
Communtiy Activation
National conference. Social Impact in the Regions. Pitchfest, community celebrations.
Advocacy & Promotion
Local, national led advocacy and broader national advocacy.
Community Empowerment
Activities to build opportunity in the Entrepreneurial culture: Pop up shops, shop local program, evidence based. Inclusiveness: Activities, linkages.