Ready Communities - DISCOVER
Did you ever wonder if there is service duplication in your community watering down your attempts to address social change? Are there too many empty shops and no real interest to fill them? If there was an emergency would you have the information you need at your fingertips? Do you have a full understanding of the government policies and strategies, programs and funding opportunities relevant to your community?
Communities are complex and as you unpick one thing it’s quite likely something else will pop up. Perhaps it’s time to embark on a journey of discovery with Ready Communities.

How much do you know about your regional community? Really?? Our work in regional communities always finds service, resource and effort duplication, waste and opportunity. There are numerous ways to engage a DISCOVER program in your community:
1. Learn with us via an online program
2. We join your community and deliver a six-month DISCOVER course teaching community members the foundations of discovery while actually building a database of important community information and building alliances in the process
3. We do the mapping for you
How can DISCOVER assist my regional community?
Depending on the application of the Ready Communities Discover program that’s right for your community we can assist you to:
- Map policies, programs and funding relevant to your community; map local assets, skills and resources
- Establish a local consultation and mapping team who can continue to update your map long after your Ready Communities program
- Map important community information and store it in the Ready Communities mapping system
How is DISCOVER delivered?

We do it
Ready Communities provides a range of mapping and data collection services which we embed in the Ready Communities software platform to make data discovery easier for you and your community.

You do it
Ready Communities provides a range of tools, resources and online programs to support your discovery journey. Got someone to coordinate the pathway forward? Great! Let's tool them up.

We help you to do it
Our DISCOVER program supports community members to learn as they do. There is a lot of incidental learning and resource development also embedded in this process including the formation of powerful collaborative partnerships.
Tell me more
Download the Ready Communities DISCOVER prospectus below or get in touch for a conversation about how we can assist your community.